Walking Stories & Poetry
Below you will find stories and poetry inspired from a wide variety of walks I've taken over the years. If you would like to receive new writing pieces directly to your email, please sign-up here.
volume 1
for you and for me
take more time
the ladder will fall
breaking it all open
come closer
what's it all for?
oh my soul
with you, really with you

volume 2​
honor thy ache
oh, beloved sound
look through me
my orange urine
like cactus
rise, beloved, rise
wild grief
formless love
**volume 2 comes printed with 4 ink drawings
volume 3
*coming soon!​
alive in the fire
a certain kind of joy
empire lines
who must I become?
ages of unseen pain
300 million years
Intrinsic Paths poetry booklets are printed on white linen paper and are 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches in size. Each volume comes with eight poems (see above). Volume 2 comes with four drawings integrated into the design. You can purchase poetry booklets here in the shop for $10/each.
If you are interested in receiving a booklet as a gift, for trade, or with patronage, please fill out this form.