the ladder will fall
Great Spirit
I'm tired of clinging
I'm tired of hiding
I'm tired of hoarding
it's empty
it's lonely
it's exhausting
the ladder will fall
I crave to trust you
I crave to love you better
I want what is mine to also be yours
soul calls
animals beckon
nature pleas
I'm climbing on down
before it falls
no more destruction
down I come
crying and broken
vulnerable and shaking
screaming and longing
on the ground I sit
with you, sisters and brothers
with you, trees and dirt
with you, sacred song
*written in Fall of 2018 by Jonathon Stalls of Intrinsic Paths
*included in Intrinsic Paths Volume 1
*photo: taken by Jonathon Stalls while walking near the S Platte River in Denver
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