oh my soul
take me places where I'm frightened to go
holding me
guiding me
loving me
I can no longer keep it together
I've been holding my breath for too long
I'm done living the script that others wrote
oh my soul
I will trust your rumblings
while I fall apart
I will trust your demands
as they rattle my fear
I will accept the unknown
one breath at a time
breaking chains
smashing lies
burning masks
into the dark
we're going to together
oh my soul
we're going together
together rising
together moving
together healing
towards the light
here, an open field
here, rushing water
here, the arms of trees
tears of pain
ripping it all off
tears of joy
writing my story
I fall onto the dirt
naked and exposed
...I'm finally free
...so completely free
...to be me
oh my soul
*written in Summer of 2018 by Jonathon Stalls of Intrinsic Paths
*included in Intrinsic Paths Volume 1
*photo: taken by Jonathon Stalls at Seal Beach, California, 2018
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