like cactus
know my thick skin
no time for the surface
my waters are deep
overcoming all odds
gods in dry places
food for the weary
this land is my home
not for your toxins
listen or die
like cactus
friend of patience
foe to the rush
honor my thorns
survival each day
sunsets and shamans
longing for shadows
beauty with presence
greatness reaching
mystery reigns
like cactus
blossoms that heal
divine Earth protectors
sweetness, oh sweetness
like cactus
*written in Spring of 2019 by Jonathon Stalls of Intrinsic Paths
*included in Intrinsic Paths Volume 2 *photo: taken by Jonathon Stalls on Day 3 (near Walsenburg and La Veta) walking Pueblo to Trinidad, Colorado
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